In May 2010, Ram Prasad received a call from his doctor sister saying, ‘Dad is not well, come home’. He was in Dubai. He rushed home to join his sister to take care of his father who was suffering from diabetes for more than 25 years.
What followed was a turbulent journey seeing his father suffer from multiple complications though a team of specialist doctors were doing their best to help him recover. Ram was at the bedside of his father when he died, leaving him clueless as to what went wrong.
A few years later (in April 2015) he attended a SHARAN seminar in Dubai. In one hour he got all the answers he was seeking for decades. He decided to commit to the cause of spreading health and joined SHARAN.
He organised several programs for SHARAN in Dubai (free talks, full-day seminars and cooking classes). Several thousands of people benefited by improving their health using Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition by SHARAN.
Ram is a popular host for several SHARAN programs. You also see him conduct demos in the ‘Salad Revolution’ initiative by SHARAN. Being a big believer in forming right habits, he offers free workshops on ‘Healthy Habits’. He presents a habit-forming & life-transforming, online program called ‘Healthy Food Challenge‘. Along with another amazing colleague Sharanya, he teaches ‘Healthy Lifestyle Mastery’ in just 21 days.
He is an award-winning Toastmaster, does yoga & meditation daily, plays badminton regularly and is a LinkedIn coach & Digital Marketing consultant by profession.