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    SHARAN/Pass The Salt, Please

Pass The Salt, Please

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From the desk of Dr Nandita Shah

Life itself depends on salt, and people in early civilisations went to great lengths to acquire it from salt mines and sea water. It was, and still is, used to preserve and season food, and it is important in medicine as well as religious ceremonies. Some early cultures even used it as a form of currency. The history of human civilization is closely linked to the history of salt.

Both human beings and animals need salt. Domestic animals are often sick if they do not get salt and farmers often provide salt licks. Wild animals also seek out places to get their salt needs satisfied. Because salt enhances the taste of food and makes it more addictive, it is overused these days by the food industry. It is wise to limit the salt intake.

The salt intake is often connected to blood pressure. Although excess salt may raise the blood pressure, and therefore should always be avoided, salt itself need not be avoided completely. But most of us are consuming more than we should these days. So definitely limit your salt intake. In many cases, adding lime or lemon juice to the dish can help reduce the need for salt!

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Cheese is one of the most densely salted products in the market. Making plant-based cheese at home will reduce the salt content and bypass the other deleterious effects of dairy.


  • 200 g or 1 cup raw cashew nuts (soaked for 6 to 8 hours)
  • 200 g tofu
  • ¼ – ½ cup water
  • 1 tsp ground or finely minced garlic
  • ½ tsp unrefined salt
  • 1 cup finely chopped fresh herbs (basil/tarragon/parsley/dill/mint/spring onion greens/chives)
  • 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • ¼ tsp freshly ground pepper (kali mirch)


Drain and rinse the soaked cashew nuts and place them in a blender. Add ¼ cup water and grind until you get a reasonably smooth paste

Add the tofu, garlic and salt and blend to a thick but creamy spread. Transfer from the blender to a bowl. Add finely minced fresh herbs, ground pepper and fresh lemon juice and mix together. (Never put herbs in the blender/food processor or you will have a green cheese!)

Nutritional yeast flakes, if available, can be added for a cheesier taste.

Serves 10

Food For The Mind


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1. SHARAN India is SHARAN's main Facebook page which you can like and follow for getting useful daily updates and news from the plant based health world. You will also get news about the latest SHARAN events, see testimonials, and more.

2. SHARAN's Vegan Support Group is an open support group to know more about vegan/plant-based lifestyle. Here you can ask questions and share inspiring stories, tips, recipes, etc.

All our doctors and presenters will be here to answer your questions and give you tips. If you have attended our events join this group to be a part of our family.

Please like the main SHARAN page and join the group(s) applicable to you.


Get Salt Savvy

Did you know that one’s daily salt intake should be no more than 3/4 to 1 teaspoon a day! How much do you consume? Excess salt can lead to water retention, high blood pressure, kidney issues and increases the risk of heart disease and stomach cancer.

Our body does need a little bit of salt for optimum nerve and muscle function, but overdoing it can be detrimental. So read on to find out ways to reduce your daily salt intake…

1. Use rock salt or Himalayan salt

This, too, must be used in moderation. Its benefits are that it may provide trace minerals, but could be lacking in iodine. Sea salt contains iodine but may contain contaminants and microplastics, and regular iodised table salt can be helpful but can contain microplastics and the iodine tends to raise the blood pressure so it should be eaten in moderation.

2. Stop buying packaged & processed foods

Since salt is both addictive and a natural preservative, most packaged foods contain salt. Canned foods are laden with salt. By eating salty foods, our tastebuds end up requiring more salt, so it’s best to avoid these altogether. 

3. Learn to make home-made snacks & sauces

This doesn’t take time and goes a long way in reducing your salt intake. Have raw or soaked peanuts instead of the roasted and salted ones. Be aware. 

4. Reduce eating out

Most restaurants use readymade sauces and packaged foods which top up the salt meter.

5. Have more fruits & salads

They contain potassium which help counter the effects of sodium.

6. Use salt alternatives

Freshly ground black pepper, lemon juice, herbs can add such good flavour to your meals that you may not even need the salt!

7. Skip adding salt when boiling rice, pasta or steaming vegetables

8. Reduce the number of your meals in a day

Most dishes on your table will contain salt. Have smoothies and fruits for breakfast or snacks, and automatically you will be consuming less salt. Also reduce the number of dishes you make during lunch and dinner. 

9. Don’t keep salt on the table!

10. Hang in there

It takes about 6 to 8 weeks to get into the habit of having food with less salt. But once you cross over, you will find the basic potato chips too salty too!


This newsletter was compiled by SHARAN Head of Mumbai, Reyna K Rupani. She facilitates the Six Weeks to Health Gain & Weight Loss program and also conducts health talks for schools, groups, corporates and more.

Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a social enterprise with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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