Ruchi Singh has been an ardent student of health and nutrition and a certified naturopath. She has been practising yoga since early years but her sudden weight gain and other growing physical problems made her realise that her search to find a perfect equilibrium between body and mind is still far from being over. She started training herself in organic farming and low fat cooking through many courses and on field experiments but her search ran a full course when Ruchi saw Dr Nandita Shah’s health awareness video on the YouTube. She was deeply motivated to bring positive changes not only towards her own health but her husband Mohan’s deteriorating condition from lifelong asthma also. Ruchi got in touch with Dr Nandita Shah, attended her full day seminar in Mumbai and soon incorporated those changes in her diet that made a whole lot of difference to Mohan’s problems as well. By bringing nutrition rich wholesome diet, day to day episodes of acidity, morning heaviness, bloating, allergies were taken care of and she felt more energetic and started loosing weight.
Similar was the case with Mohan who felt positive changes such as increased stamina and daily productivity and better mental awarenesss. Now they are raising their dogs Laila and Sky on a vegan diet. They too have responded very well.Laila and Sky have started loosing excess weight and are more energetic. Ruchi has taken up the vision of SHARAN by being a part of the teaching team and conducting amazing cooking classes as she is completely motivated to their goal of “life without medicines.”